Keyboard not responding on Grub: solution

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These days I have been trying to install openSuSE to play around a bit. However, I have found an apparently impossible difficulty: when I tried to boot with the openSuSE DVD my USB keyboard was not responding.

The usual workaround is to configure the BIOS so that USB works in legacy mode, or to use a PS/2 keyboard. None of these solutions were applicable to me, as I was trying to install SuSE on a Dell model XPS-210, which doesn’t have a PS/2 connector and whose BIOS doesn’t have the right option.

My workaround has been to just update the BIOS.

I’m pretty sure that this update solves other similar issues with many Linux distributions using Grub, like Kubuntu.

public transports .info version 0.2

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Since last Saturday version 0.2 of is on-line.

Most changes have been internal or aesthetic, but be prepared to see great improvements, as I am beginning to hack PHP code!

public transports .info in English

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I’m proud to introduce public transports .info. It is a mash-up of Google Maps and public transport information, which is often represented schematically or incompletely.

The idea is to show geographically and realistically all the information that the different authorities of a certain city can offer.

In the future I hope to include more means of transportation, more cities, more countries, timetables, time restrictions, a route planner (specially interesting as sometimes different transport authorities don’t speak to each other)…

Feel free to try it, play around and send me your feedback!

Internet Explorer & web development

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Recently I have done some web development in my free time. I would like to share some of my findings:

  • It is possible to install several versions of Internet Explorer simultaneously on a Windows box.
    This is pretty useful once IE has updated itself to version 7. Find out how to do it!
  • Unfortunately this doesn’t work for Windows Vista, but virtualization can always be used.
    Microsoft provides several versions of Internet Explorer inside a Virtual PC Windows XP image. Although these images expire some time into the future, they can be very useful for testing purposes.
  • It is also possible to install several versions of Internet Explorer – excluding version 7 – on Linux.
    Check it out!